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Submission history

To view wage detail submission history:

  1. Log in to your agent account.
  2. On My Home Page, click Tax and Wage Detail Reporting.
  3. Click View Submission History.
  4. The Wage Detail Submission History Search page opens. You can enter a date parameter to narrow the search or leave blank for a complete search, click Search.
  5. Under the Search Results section, the status of the wage detail submission file will display. (See example)


  • Employer details and file errors can be viewed for each file.

    1. The details link displays the status of the wage detail report submitted.
    2. The errors link displays a screen that indicates the exact line of the wage detail submission that had an error and if it was a fatal or non-fatal error.

      • Fatal Errors: A file with fewer than 50 fatal errors will process; however, the records (or lines) having fatal errors will not. A file with 50 or more fatal errors will cause the entire file to fail.
      • Non-Fatal Errors: A non-fatal error caused by invalid Social Security numbers should always be corrected; otherwise, the Employer Self-Service System will incorrectly calculate the taxable wages.

        IMPORTANT: Each record with an invalid or missing Social Security number will be assigned a unique 'fictitious' number - each of these 'fictitious' numbers will be assigned its own taxable maximum wage base - therefore, an employee with one or more 'fictitious' numbers will generate tax on wages up to the taxable maximum wage base for each number.

  • When a file is submitted with multiple employers, if there is an error on one or more of the files, the File Errors column will display an 'errors' link for all the employer accounts in that file.
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