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Information Handbook

Financial help & community serviceshelp

Unemployment Insurance benefits can help while you are looking for your next job. There is other help available if you need it.

Go to, select applicants, then select Help and Support, and then Financial Help & Community Services.

Here are some of the resources highlighted on that page:

Food - learn about Minnesota food resources at or by calling the Minnesota Food Helpline at 1-888-711-1151.

Healthcare – MNsure is Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace, where you can compare and choose medical and dental insurance. MNsure is the only place to get financial help to lower premium and out-of-pocket costs. You can also apply for low or no-cost coverage from Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare. Go to or call 1-855-366-7873.

Housing support - The Energy Assistance Program (EAP) helps pay home heating costs and furnace repairs for income-qualified households. Call 1-800-657-3710 or go to, select Consumers, and then select Consumer Assistance.

Veteran Services - The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) is a state agency dedicated to serving veterans and their families. Learn more at or by calling 1-888-546-5838.

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