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Register a new account

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To register a new Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Employer Account online:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Employers & Agents.
  3. Under I Need To...Register for an Account, click Employers.
  4. Click Employer Registration. The Employer Registration page opens.
  5. Fill in all requested information.

IMPORTANT: The person completing the registration process for your employer account has the option to be the System Administrator and will have access to all information in your account. This means the system administrator will be able to view information, make changes, complete transactions, and give online access to other users in this account. Therefore, the person you choose to register your account should be a highly trusted employee.

Temporary user ID and password

When registering for a new employer account, you can exit before completing the registration process. If you must exit, be sure to click Save. Your temporary User ID and password will be displayed.

The temporary User ID and password allows you to log in again at a later time by clicking the link Returning Employer; it can also be used to submit your first wage detail report after completing registration. The temporary User ID and password assigned to your account is only used until your permanent User ID and password is received in the mail.

Permanent user ID and password

For security reasons, access to all functions of the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance online Employer Self-Service System is possible only with the permanent User ID. Payments to your employer account cannot be made with a temporary User ID and password. A permanent User ID and password will be mailed to you after successful completion of the registration process.

NOTE: Employers registering a single member LLC (Limited Liability Company) may need staff assistance to complete the registration process. Contact UI Customer Service for assistance.

Video tutorials are provided to assist you in using Minnesota’s Employer Self-Service System. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and conforms with both Minnesota and Federal Unemployment Insurance Law. Statements are intended for general information only and do not have the effect of the law.  If you have a question about your employer account, call Customer Service.

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